All of Cargo Spectre’s automated freight data systems can be customized to suit any freight or logistics business anywhere in the world. If you have questions about what Cargo Spectre can do for your bottom line, contact the warehouse data experts today. We’re standing by with all of the answers you need to make an informed and practical choice about automated freight scanning and documentation.

Use the contact form on this page to let us know how we can help. We answer all inquiries as soon as possible.

2222 N Wayside Drive
Houston, Texas 77020
(833) DIM-HELP


The Cargo Spectre team has over 30 years of combined experience in the logistics industry. Although our systems boast an industry-leading up time of 99%, we understand the costs to your operation if a system is down. We pride ourselves on having the most robust and rapid worldwide support network in the industry. When a call is placed for support, you are connected directly to a tech who will start troubleshooting your unit. No trouble tickets, no scripts, no recordings! You call and we are there. We take pride in solving every support call within one hour with no additional costs to our customers. Don’t just take our word for it, look at our Google reviews!

Customer Service Woman