At Cargo Spectre, we answer a lot of questions from our clients. A couple of our favorites are “How is this possible,” and “Why didn’t I do this sooner!” But there’s one question we always have to answer before any others: “How much does it cost?”
Believe it or not, that’s one of our favorite questions, too. The answer we give is that, while every application of our groundbreaking automated dimensioning system is different, our clients typically see a full return on investment after two months—often sooner. Meanwhile, Cargo Spectre has replaced the labor of half of their freight write-up staff for the low cost of $2 an hour. Did we mention that it’s also more accurate than any human being will ever be and never, ever takes a coffee break?
We are extremely proud of the unprecedented cost efficiency of our machine learning systems. It has made us an international leader in the dimensioner marketplace, and we love working with our clients to transform their logistics data efficiency and pricing. All Cargo Spectre costs is a $500 per month licensing fee for our technology, and we provide each and every customer with 24/7 support to ensure that they will always have the best tools at their disposal.
Cargo Spectre can simultaneously weigh, measure size, and calculate the density of a shipping case or even an entire pallet of freight in seconds. Our automated dimensioners give carriers an easy-to-use tool to measure density, and these customized systems are being used to evaluate pricing accuracy and identify loading inefficiencies. Now, companies shipping excess void can be priced accurately according to space, leading to a rapid profit transformation for many carriers.
Just as Cargo Spectre helps to cube out the DC, it can do the same with trailers. That helps to reduce costs for carriers, whether full-load or LTL. Those companies and supply chains that incorporate our cubing, weighing, and photo information into other data streams typically realize even greater returns on their investment in the equipment.
If you’re curious as to just how much time and money Cargo Spectre can save your organization—and how fast—please contact us today. Our team of dimensioning experts is standing by to answer all of our favorite questions.